Reproductions are tattoo replicas of art works by historical artists, or by a living artist who has given you their permission to use their art for your tattoo (if you don’t know already have the artists permission, please reach out to them. Many artists are happy to have their work used for tattoos, some may charge a licensing fee to purchase the rights to use their artwork).
Some of my favorite types of reproductions to work on include:
• handmade prints (etchings, woodcuts, engravings, etc)
• Ancient and medieval art
• Statuary
• decorative design motifs
• Poster art
• Fashion Illustration
Please keep in mind that I do not offer reproductions of other people’s tattoos or other living artists’ tattoo flash, and do not tattoo contemporary artwork without the permission of the original artist.
Some of my favorite types of reproductions to work on include:
• handmade prints (etchings, woodcuts, engravings, etc)
• Ancient and medieval art
• Statuary
• decorative design motifs
• Poster art
• Fashion Illustration
Please keep in mind that I do not offer reproductions of other people’s tattoos or other living artists’ tattoo flash, and do not tattoo contemporary artwork without the permission of the original artist.