New Moon in Pisces 3/13:
The new moon in Pisces on the 13thoffers a divine setting to embody feminine flow. Find time this week to treat yourself to a vision quest aimed at accessing your true spiritual values. It doesn’t have to be over-the-top! Exalted Venus in Pisces can take a simple bath to sumptuous rose quartz-infused heights with little more than the intention to meditate on the fulfillment of your Most Self. An intimate spiritual goal-setting call with your dearest sisterhood would be another supportive way to make the most of this Piscean lunar energy. Venus chases down the sun all month, and hidden under his beams, she brings the subtler aspects of the feminine to light, evolving your capacity for creativity and connection from the inside out. You are likely to need more time to yourself than usual this month, as you may be reconsidering, evaluating and updating your preferences and tastes in an unfolding cycle of spiritual growth.
Star Tip:
Use the actual new (dark) moon for checking in with yourself, reflecting, and setting intentions for this new cycle. If you’re starting a new endeavor, try to wait a few days for the crescent moon to become visible, so that luna’s growing light can lend form and body to your new venture as you bring it to fruition!
Vernal Equinox 3/20:
The Sun moves into his sign of exaltation in Aries on the 21stwith Venus still exalted in the final degrees of Pisces. If you honor the pagan holidays, consider how the Vernal equinox on this day speaks to the energy of the three of cups in tarot: three women raise their glasses in celebration and soulful camaraderie. I suggest you do the same! All and none are leaders in this enterprise of vivid connection and joy.
Full Moon 3/28:
Venus perfected her conjunction with the sun on Friday 3/26, and this signature aspect of the month is still active opposite the full moon in Libra on the 28th. The goddess of love chased Sol for weeks across the entire sign of Pisces before perfecting this union in Aries. It isn’t comfortable territory for her, and you may experience a wavering of confidence or conviction as you approach the part of Venus’s cycle in which you begin to bring your updated values to expression via external world interactions. You likely have access to greater internal clarity about the parts of your life or relationships that need balance to bring them into alignment with your evolving values and psycho-spiritual needs. There may be some sparring as you introduce updated needs and desires to a relationship dynamic. Stay poised for new modalities of creative and feminine expression to come to light in the ensuing weeks, soothing any discomfort and evening out rough patches if you’ve weathered some in this time.
Sensi much? Today’s dreamy Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Pisces can bring your most personal, mystical dreams and fantasies to mind, or even bubbling up in conversation. I wouldn’t recommend choosing this day for thinning the psychic veil further, though, as Mars conjunct the moon’s North node squares Mercury, introducing anger and confusion into the astral cocktail.
Crystals can offer effective and easy remediation for complex astrological days like this:
Try using clear stones like quartz and selenite to help you clarify what messages Mercury-Neptune may be trying to show you if they prove elusive, or to separate and cleanse any negativity you encounter in yourself or external circumstances.
If you are one of those sensitive among us picking up on extra residual psychic static at this time, consider fluorite to assist in refining and releasing content that isn’t yours or doesn’t serve your development and harmony.
Wear a green aventurine on your throat to help you communicate more clearly and calmly today, and to aid in processing what you hear without taking things too personally or going on the offensive.
Keep heart, fellow wanderers! The light is always on its way back around.